So I didn't actually read this, it's a placeholder for an idiosyncratic cull through Freud's complete works (Strachey edition) in PDF format, which if anybody wants just let me know and I'll send you the file. My 'reader' thus far has been: Instincts and Their Vicissitudes Repression The Unconscious. Codes and their vicissitudes Article (PDF Available) in Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24(5):910-937 October 2001 with 65 Reads Export this citation.
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Freud Instincts And Their Vicissitudes Pdf Reader Pdf
So I didn't actually read this, it's a placeholder for an idiosyncratic cull through Freud's complete works (Strachey edition) in PDF format, which if anybody wants just let me know and I'll send you the file. My 'reader' thus far has been:
Instincts and Their Vicissitudes
The Unconscious
The book consists of fifteen essays composed from 1911 through 1938.
Freud Instincts And Their Vicissitudes Pdf Reader
Mar 20, 2011Erik Graff rated it liked it · review of another editionJul 24, 2018
Mar 23, 2019
Feb 27, 2012
In 1873, Freud began to study medicine at the University of Vienna. After graduating, he worked at the Vienna General Hospital...more
Psychoanalysis as a navigation device for the cultural maze of the twenty-first century.
'Can Freud be 'updated' in the twenty-first century, or is he a venerated but outmoded genius?' asks Jerry Aline Flieger. In Is Oedipus Online? Flieger stages an encounter between psychoanalysis and the new century, testing the viability of Freud's theories in light of the emergent realities of our time. Responding to prominent critics of psychoanalysis and approaching our current preoccupations from a Freudian angle, she presents a reading of Freudian theory that coincides with and even clarifies new concepts in science and culture. Fractals, emergence, topological modeling, and other nonlinearities, for example, can be understood in light of both Freud's idea of the symptom as a nodal point and Lacan's concept of networks (rather than sequential cause and effect) that link psychic realities. At the same time, Flieger suggests how emerging paradigms in science and culture may elucidate Freud's cultural theory. Like Slavoj Zizek, editor of the Short Circuits series, Flieger shifts effortlessly from field to field, discussing psychoanalysis, millennial culture, nonlinear science, and the landscape of cyberspace. In the first half of the book, 'Re-siting Oedipus,' she draws on the work of Lyotard, Zizek, Deleuze, Virilio, Baudrillard, Haraway and others, to refute the assumption of Freud's outdatedness in the new century. Then, in 'Freud Sitings in Millennial Theory,' she recasts oedipal theory, siting/sighting/citing Freud in a twenty-first-century context. Thinking of Oedipus—decipherer of enigmas, wanderer—as a navigator or search engine allows us to see psychoanalysis as a navigation device for the cultural maze of the 'bimillennial' era, and Oedipus himself as a circuit of intersubjective processes by which we become human. For humanity—still needed in the 'posthuman' century—is at the core of Freud's theory: 'Reading Freud today,' Flieger writes, 'reminds us of the complications of the Sphinx's riddle, the enigma that Oedipus only thought he solved: the question of what it is to be human. Psychoanalysis continues to pose that question at the crossroads between instincts and their vicissitudes.'