HP PCs - Troubleshooting sleep and hibernate issues (Windows 7). It is a good idea to download and install optional driver updates, especially if you have changed the Windows edition on your computer. The hybrid sleep setting might cause an issue with sleep mode. Use the following steps to disable hybrid sleep. If the sleep button on the keyboard still does not work, go to the HP Software and Driver Download page, enter your computer model number into the field provided,.
I know that almost everything on Windows, like opening any sort of application, can be done from the command prompt or from the Run menu.
How can I put my computer to sleep or shut it down? What is the command for that?
Daniel Beck♦12 Answers
You will find shutdown.exe
to be your friend.
Other handy commands see this post:
Sleep Computer (read more at https://superuser.com/a/463652/249349 )
Lock Workstation
Hibernate Computer
Restart Computer
Shutdown Computer
It seems that sleeping a computer is problematic if hibernate is turned on.
Copying from other answers:
You can either try PsShutdownor:
The command rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 for sleep is correct - however, it will hibernate instead of sleep if you don't turn the hibernation off.
Here's how to do that:
Go to the Start Menu and open an elevated Command Prompt by typing cmd.exe, right clicking and choosing Run as administrator. Type the following command:
brandstaetterbrandstaetterThe methods posted by other people do not work correctly if a computer has hibernation enabled, the computer will not wake on Keyboard or, more importantly, not wake on scheduled task.
One of Microsoft's Sysinternals tool is PsShutdown using the command psshutdown -d -t 0
it will correctly sleep, not hibernate, a computer
The command rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
for sleep is correct - however, it will hibernate instead of sleep if you don't turn the hibernation off.
Here's how to do that:
Go to the Start Menu and open an elevated Command Prompt by typing cmd.exe
, right clicking and choosing Run as administrator. Type the following command:
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NirCmd workes on Windows 8 (I assume it also works with Windows 7) → http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html
The command is standby
, but it puts the computer to sleep.
If you have hybrid sleep enabled, it will work; i.e., it puts the computer to sleep and copies the memory to disk in case of power loss.
ScottSee the free utility of Wizmo, which can do very many things.
The command you're looking for is probably:
wizmo standby
harrymcharrymcI have created a shortcut for rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
(also tried with 0,0,0), but running the shortcut seemed to put my PC into hibernation. I could not wake up the PC using the keyboard; I had to press the power button, and the PC showed the mainboard post messages, etc.
After reading the Windows API document, I created a very simple programme with just 3 lines of typing. I have uploaded the executable I compiled to this page (click the 'SleepTest.exe'), but this file could be deleted after a while (this is a free file hosting site that I just found by a quick Google search).
If you do not trust me (which is totally fine) or the file has been deleted, you can compile the code yourself, Of course. You need to add 'PowrProf.lib' to the additional dependencies of the Linker.
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
seems to be doing the same thing, but somehow, the programme above did not put the computer into hibernation. I could wake up the PC instantly (no mainboard post messages, etc) by pressing any key on the keyboard.
You can initiate the suspend or hibernate options from the command line as specified below and referenced in this article.
If your computer is set to allow hibernation then the above command will initiate hibernation. If the hibernation feature is disabled, then it will enter the standby state. As other users have answered previously, shutdown.exe /?
will provide many shutdown options.
You must first disable Hibernate in windows and then put the computer in Sleep state. Use following two commands:
and for doing reverse action, Hibernating the computer, use commands below:
SynetechHere's an article on using CLI to shutdown.
Microsoft provides PsTools which gives you CLI shutdown along with other useful tools. You can get that here.
wontonwontononly QUICK SLEEPER works for me (works in Windows 7,8,10).
p.s. source code available here.
T.ToduaT.ToduaIf you have Python (with pywin32) available you can also call that SetSuspendState function directly with:
This can easily be put into a batch file or a shortcut sorta like:
So then if you don't have your .py files associated to the interpreter you can just double click the link.
The shutdown part of the question is clear for everybody.shutdown.exe /?
shows all choices to shutdown / restart / advanced options boot / firmware boot.
But I see so much bashing thrown around about the Sleep part.
Everybody gets it that rundll32.exe
should not be used to call random functions and it just works here for hibernate entirely by coincidence. But that's the nature of Windows - a black box that people have poked around and found hundreds of workarounds to get a job done (shout-out to dostips).
There are so many 'proper' solutions proposing external tools, yet I can't seem to find a native (hybrid / pinvoke / whatever) batch script, even if this question has remained active over the years.
So here's my simple power_sleep.bat:
It even works as a big one-line command:
protected by NifleAug 20 '12 at 16:52
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If you’ve poked about within the Windows power settings, you may have found a strange option within the “Sleep” category. One of the options will ask if you want to “Allow Hybrid sleep.” However, it doesn’t really explain what, exactly, hybrid sleep does. So, what is hybrid sleep, and more importantly, should you turn it on or off?
What Is Hybrid Sleep?
“Hybrid Sleep” is, in essence, a hybrid of both “Hibernate” and “Sleep.” Therefore, in order to understand it, we first need to look at what both “Hibernate” and “Sleep” actually do.
What Hibernate Is
When a computer goes into hibernation it saves on energy by turning off its main components, including the RAM. Unfortunately, the RAM is where all your currently open software and data is kept. If the RAM loses power, everything in its memory is wiped, which is why your computer “forgets” everything when you have a power cut or crash.
The hibernate option avoids this by taking the data within the RAM and putting it onto the hard drive. With the data now safe, the PC can enter its low power state without losing any data. When the user brings the PC back out of hibernation, the data is retrieved from the hard drive and put back into the RAM, ready to use.
What “Sleep” Is
Sleep is a little different from hibernate. When a PC sleeps it keeps the RAM powered while turning off the other components. This means there’s no need to load the RAM into the hard drive; when you turn the PC back on, all of your data is still on the RAM as you left it. However, should the machine lose power during sleep, the data on the RAM will still be wiped.
The Differences Between Hibernate and Sleep
From this we can see that hibernation is the best choice if you want to leave your computer for a long period of time. Because hibernation turns off power to all components, it saves on more energy than if you used sleep. Sleep, however, doesn’t have to retrieve all the data from the hard drive when it resumes, allowing it to boot back up more quickly than hibernation. This makes it the best choice if you’re leaving your PC for only a few moments.
Now that we understand what sleep and hibernate do and where they both shine, it’s time to take a look at what enabling hybrid sleep does. Hybrid sleep aims to utilise the benefits of both sleep and hibernate modes. It does this by keeping the RAM powered up during its low-power state, while also saving the RAM to the hard drive.
This seemingly strange combination of modes actually makes hybrid sleep quite robust. Because data is still on the RAM, Windows doesn’t have to dive into the hard drive to fetch your data when you boot the computer back up. At the same time, should a power cut wipe your computer’s RAM, the computer can simply load the data from the hard drive instead.
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When Should I Use It?
So that now we know what hybrid sleep does, the question still remains: should you enable it or no?
If you’re a laptop user, this is an easy answer! Because your machine uses battery power, you don’t have to worry about power cuts as much as a computer user does. On top of this, Raymond Chen mentioned on the Microsoft blog that laptop users typically put their laptop to sleep right before throwing the machine into a bag. This means laptops should finish using the hard drive as quickly as possible after initiating a sleep, so the hard drive doesn’t get damaged due to sudden movement. Because regular sleep doesn’t use the hard drive at all, it’s the ideal choice for laptops.
However, if you’re using a personal computer, hybrid sleep can be a very useful option. It boots back up quickly, preserves the data in the case of a power cut, and doesn’t share the laptop’s problem of being moved about soon after being put to sleep. As such, it makes for a nice layer of security on top of your regular sleep functionality.
How Do I Enable or Disable It?
To enable or disable Hybrid Sleep, open the Control Panel. You can usually do this by pressing “Windows Key + X” and clicking “Control Panel,” but if you can’t find it there, then you can search for it via Cortana or the Start menu.
Windows Vista Hybrid Sleep
Here, click “Power Options” while in Large/Small Icon View.
Find the power plan you’re currently on and click “Change plan settings” to its right. You can tell which plan you’re currently on because the radio button next to its name is filled in.
Click “change advanced power settings” near the bottom.
Expand the “Sleep” category, then “Allow Hybrid Sleep”, and modify the options as you see fit.
I Can’t Find “Hybrid Sleep” in the Shutdown Options!
If you enable hybrid sleep, you’ll notice there’s no “hybrid sleep” option listed in the shutdown options. This is because hybrid sleep overrides regular sleep. If you want to perform a hybrid sleep, simply enable it as above, then select the regular “Sleep” option in the shutdown options to activate a hybrid sleep.
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Power of Two
While “hybrid sleep” is a cryptic terminology, it’s much simpler than you may think. While not a great option for laptop users, desktops can benefit from a fast boot time as well as security against power cuts.
Do you use sleep and hibernate often? Let us know below!
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