Combat Mission Barbarossa To Berlin Game

Game Information

Official NameCombat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin
VersionFull Game
File UploadTorrent
Developer (s)
Publisher (s)Cdv Software Entertainment
Platform (s)PC, Windows
Release date (s)2002
Genre (s)Turn-based tactics, Wargame
Combat Mission Barbarossa To Berlin Game

Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin screenshots: Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin is a turn-based 3D simulation of the Eastern Front of WWII beginning with Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Soviet Russia. Combat Mission II: Barbarossa to Berlin saw an overwhelmingly positive reception by professional video game critics, averaging an 89 out of 100 Metacritic score based on 12 reviews, 11 of which were marked by the reviews aggregator as 'positive'.


Combat Mission 2 Barbarossa to Berlin for PC Screenshots


Combat Mission 2Barbarossa to Berlin Full PC Game Overview

Combat Mission 2 Barbarossa to Berlin download free. full Game is a turn-based computer game about tactical battles in World War II. It is part of the Combat Mission series. The game has been described as the «reigning champ of east front tactical warfare for the PC.»


Barbarossa to Berlin is both a complement to the earlier Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord, in that it presented a different theatre of war, as well as a sequel, by way of improving game features and adding new ones. The playable nations are: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Romania (pre- and post- defection), Hungary, Finland, Poland (under Soviet command) and Italy.

In order to conform to German law, depictions of the swastika were removed. Additionally, all Waffen SS units were renamed «Waffen Grenadier».

Combat Mission Barbarossa To Berlin Mods


A playable public demo is offered by The demo did not include access to the mission editor, but did permit solo, hotseat, email or TCP/IP play of two pre-made scenarios.

Alternate titles

The game was originally released as Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin; it was known in Europe as Combat Mission 2.

A Special Edition, known as Combat Mission II: Barbarossa to Berlin (Special Edition) was released with a «bonus disc» which included graphic mods and additional scenarios collected from designers within the CM community. Combat Mission 2 Barbarossa to Berlin Free Download.

External links

  • Official site
  • We Band of Brothers. A people-friendly WW2 CM gaming club with numerous tournaments, and social forums with discussions on film, music, books, and history. Established in 2001.
  • The Few Good Men Gaming Club devoted to the CM series. Tournaments, Competitions, Prize Giveaways and a very active forum.

• Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin at MobyGames. Combat Mission 2 Barbarossa to Berlin Free Download PC Game.

Combat Mission 2Barbarossa to Berlin Free Download PC Game

Click on below button to start Combat Mission 2 Barbarossa to BerlinDownload Free PC Game. It is a Full Version PC Game. Just download torrent and start playing it.

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Combat Mission II: Barbarossa to Berlin
Basic Information
Video Game
CDV Software
Combat Mission
Turn-based Tactics
Microsoft Windows and Mac OS
European Release Date(s)
Microsoft Windows
October 11, 2002
North American Release Date(s)
Microsoft Windows
September 20, 2002
Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes | Codex
Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches
Ratings | Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough

Barbarossa To Berlin Rulebook

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