Business Statistics A First Course Sharpe Pdf Creator

Faculty of Business Facilitator: Prof. Ajjay Mandal. To my course director Mr. Brian Ardy and Mr. Michael Wood of London South. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator.

Active6 years, 11 months ago

I have several PDF templates like lease and rental agreements. Now a customer will select a template and a form will open for him to fill in required details-of course the form content will vary with template chosen.

Now I need to write the collected information to appropriate locations in the PDF template and create a new PDF document.

What is the best approach for this.

Thank you

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Business Statistics A First Course Answers

1 Answer

You can use Amyuni PDF Creator .Net for this.

  • You can create your PDF templates visually with a PDF editor that isprovided with the package, or you can create them programmatically ifneeded.
  • You can show a PDF form (template) using a PDF Viewer control that isalso provided.
  • You can save the content of the PDF form as a new PDF file, and youcan flatten the editable fields first if needed by setting theAnnotation attribute to false in all the objects of all pages.
Statistics a first course 8th edition

Usual disclaimer applies

Other libraries that you could use:

Business Statistics A First Course Sharpe Pdf Creator
  • PDFSharp (Open Source, it allows you to create PDF files, but itcannot display them)
  • iText(AGPL,it allows you to create and process PDF files, but it cannot displaythem)
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Business Statistics A First Course Sharpe Pdf Creator Pdf

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