Inksaver V4 0 205 0003 Registered Portable

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SmoothStart™/Installation Services

SmoothStart Services, an on-site implementation and training startupservice, is designed to accelerate productive use of your IBM solution.The service is provided by IBM Global Services or your IBM BusinessPartner at an additional cost. SmoothStart Services for z/OS andOS/390® Web Servers offer installation, configuration, andcustomization of your HTTP Server and WebSphere™ Application Serversoftware on the zSeries and S/390® platforms. These services use themost current releases of IBM HTTP Server for OS/390 and WebSphereApplication Server to customize your established host system componentsoftware and create an initial home page with up to four additional Webpages. For more information, visit:

Inksaver V4 0 205 0003 Registered Portable 2

Global Services Offerings

Performance Management and Capacity Planning Services for OS/390 WebServers:

This service analyzes OS/390 systems that support Web Serverimplementation. Experts can help improve the performance of your OS/390operating systems by identifying performance problems or capacityexposures. To help you plan for the system resources required to supportyour Web Servers, IBM can model configurations based on your projectedbusiness growth and performance objectives. When the performanceanalysis or capacity planning service is completed, you receive adocumented report of the findings and recommendations. For moreinformation, visit:
IBM United StatesSoftware Announcement 203-135
May 20, 2003

Table of contentsDocument options
At a glanceOffering Information
Key prerequisitesTechnical information
Planned availability dateOrdering information
DescriptionSubscription and support
Product positioningTerms and conditions
Reference informationPrices
Education supportOrder now
Printable version

(Corrected on January 21, 2004)

Change made in the Description section.

(Corrected on January 9, 2004)

Changes made in the Description section.

Shimano zsinor technium tribal 0 205 mm

(Corrected on July 9, 2003)

Changes made in the following sections: Description, Software requirements, Packaging, Orderinginformation, and Subscription and support.
At a glance

WebSphere Business Integration brokers:

  • Provide an infrastructure for e-business on demand™
  • Can be used to build an enterprise integration bus for e-business on demand
  • Provide reliable, high performance messaging
  • Connects people, applications, information, and processes
  • Are follow-on to WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker and MQSeries® Integrator
  • Provide four WebSphere MQ transports: Enterprise, Web Services, Real Time, and Multicast

For ordering, contact:

Your IBM representative, an IBM Business Partner, or IBM Americas Call Centers at800-IBM-CALL(Reference: YE001).
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IBM WebSphere® MQ is the leader in enterprise messaging, offering reliable, once and once onlydelivery between the broadest range of platforms in the industry. And WebSphere MQ Integrator® isthe leading message broker, offering in-flight routing, transformation, logging, and enrichment ofmessages.

The new IBM WebSphere Business Integration brokers introduce WebSphere MQ family protocols targetedat very high performance, real time, Internet and intranet communications, Web services, mobile andwireless devices. Combined with the power to distribute brokers across a network under centralcontrol, you can now build a reliable, high-performance, on demand enterprise integration bus toconnect all your key resources.

IBM WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker — IBM WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker (the follow-on product to WebSphere MQ EventBroker) allows you to rapidly build a flexible, extensible, secure infrastructure leveragingexisting and new, packaged, and homegrown applications and devices across heterogeneous platforms.It extends the market-leading WebSphere MQ messaging transport with other protocols, includingreal-time Internet and intranet and multicast endpoints. Event Broker provides a flexible entrypoint into integration brokers allowing you to start simple and grow, leveraging and exploitingexisting investments in skills and other assets.

IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker — Built on the Event Broker, IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker (the follow-onproduct to WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker) transforms and enriches in-flight information to providea further level of intermediation between applications that use different message structures andformats. In addition, the Message Broker can be integrated with a database to perform messagelogging, data merge, and database update functions. If you are considering Web Servicesarchitectures and solutions, the broker can assist you with integration of non-Web Servicesapplications, the routing and transformation of SOAP messages, and the logging of Web servicestransactions. An improvement on point-to-point Web services implementations that can lead tocomplex application interdependencies, the brokers help to improve control, simplify applicationdevelopment, lower maintenance costs, and increase flexibility.

IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension — This IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker product includes the IBM Rules andFormatter previously offered with WebSphere MQ Integrator for z/OS® V2.1. The WebSphere BusinessIntegration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0 builds on the MessageBroker and offers continuity, compatibility, and investment protection for existing customers whorequire the IBM Rules and Formatter.

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Key prerequisites
Refer to theSoftware requirementsandHardware requirementssections.
Back to top
Planned availability date
June 27, 2003
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WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker

IBM WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker allows you to rapidly build a flexible, extensible,secure infrastructure leveraging existing and new, packaged and homegrown, applications and devicesacross heterogeneous platforms. It extends the market-leading WebSphere MQ messaging transport withother protocols, including those for real-time Internet and intranet, and multicast endpoints. TheEvent Broker provides a flexible entry point into integration brokers allowing you to start simpleand grow, leveraging and exploiting existing investments in skills and other assets.

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker

Built on the Event Broker, IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker transforms and enrichesin-flight information to provide a further level of intermediation between applications that usedifferent message structures and formats. In addition, the Message Broker can be integrated with adatabase to perform message logging, data merge, and database update functions. For customersconsidering Web Services architectures and solutions, the broker can assist with integration ofnon-Web Services applications, the routing and transformation of SOAP messages, and the logging ofWeb services transactions. An improvement on point-to-point Web services implementations that canlead to complex application interdependencies, the brokers help to improve control, simplifyapplication development, lower maintenance costs, and increase flexibility. And when combined withWebSphere MQ, the brokers provide much needed reliability to the Web services arena.

Benefits of WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers

IBM WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker and IBM WebSphere Business Integration MessageBroker are an ideal platform for business integration, by providing the essential flexibility tostart small and grow, evolve and change with the demands placed upon the business by customers.Ease of implementation and ease of use in production ensures that time to value can be improved andreturn on investment (ROI) maximized. These integration offerings help provide improved control ofyour business allowing rapid response to events as they occur, and enabling timely delivery ofbusiness information upon which to take key business decisions.

The use of IBM WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker and IBM WebSphere Business IntegrationMessage Broker means that useful and timely information can be provided for customers, suppliers,and partners to improve customer satisfaction and competitiveness. It can help reduce deliverycycle times and error rates and therefore improve operational performance, including reducinginventory and improving cash flow to increase return on capital employed.

Chief Executives can look at improving customer service and business agility while at the same timereducing operational and IT costs by:

    Corporate Information Officers can consider reducing system development and maintenance costs by:

    • Reducing inventory and improving cash flow
    • Improving workforce productivity through automation
    • Reducing the cost of rectifying process errors

    Customer Facing Executives can consider improving customer service by:

      WebSphere MQ transports

      Multiple transports provide qualities of service that enable you to conduct secure business anytime, any where, any how, extending the reach of the enterprise and the power of integration byembracing pervasive and Internet technologies within the integration paradigm. For example, thebrokers enable an enterprise to integrate its Business Partner community across the Internet orremote networks of devices and users. New features in V5 include Internet reach (access throughfirewalls) and enhanced security that enable you to integrate, with confidence, over the Internet.The addition of multicast protocols enable simultaneous delivery of identical information tomultiple endpoints, optimizing network throughput and performance. Event Broker and Message Brokernow support:

      • WebSphere MQ Enterprise Transport, for connecting applications with the market-leading messagingmiddleware
      • WebSphere MQ Web Services Transport, for connecting applications that use the HTTP protocol formessaging (Message Broker only)
      • WebSphere MQ Real-time Transport, for connecting messaging clients (supplied) across the Internetand intranet.
      • WebSphere MQ Multicast Transport, for optimizing network bandwidth when broadcasting messages toclients

      Internet reach and security

      The following transports now support HTTP tunnelling and quality of protection enabling enterprisesto confidently communicate across the Internet:

      • WebSphere MQ Enterprise Transport when used with MQ Internet Passthru
      • WebSphere MQ Real-time Transport natively supported by the brokers

      Eclipse-based Message Broker Toolkit for WebSphere Studio

      In line with IBM's common tooling strategy, the new brokers feature enablement to IBM's StrategicWebSphere Studio Workbench. Based on the Eclipse open source framework, this powerful, easy-to-usetooling, greatly enhances the developer experience. It enables the use of code repositories tosupport collaborative team work and provides improved debug and deployment capabilities.

      You can benefit from improvements to the graphical development environment to help model informationflows and multibroker topologies which provide improved time to value. This single consistent toolsmodel across the WebSphere portfolio ensures that valuable skills can be developed and deployedacross a wide variety of industry-leading platforms from WebSphere Application Server to WebSphereBusiness Integration Server ensuring a clear protection of such an investment.

      A New XML transformation node

      Additional transformation capabilities have been provided through the inclusion of a new XSLT-basedXML transformation node. Initially, this supports transformation of XML messages only. Thestylesheet to be used to define the transformation may be specified as an attribute of the nodeinstance or be determined within the context of the flow and specified using a defined area of thelocal environment.

      More granular security with database USERID/Password support

      External database access from Compute/Database/Warehouse nodes has been extended through theprovision of a facility which allows a user to associate a specific USERID/password with a givenODBC DSN in the broker run time. This USERID/password combination is then used for all connectionsmade by the broker to the particular DSN, overriding the default use of the broker'sUSERID/password. This addresses a key customer requirement to be able to specify differentUSERID/password combinations for different databases and to be able to set this on abroker-by-broker basis. A command line tool will be provided for setting this information in thebroker's 'registry'.

      Improved user experience

      The brokers now feature 'learn as you go' dynamic context sensitive help, as well as predefined andsample configurations — all so important in helping to simplify deployment and time to value.This new tool supports easy migration from WebSphere MQ Integrator for z/OS V2.1 and WebSphere MQIntegrator Broker for z/OS V2.1.

      New era of networks rules and formatter

      Now delivered only with WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and FormatterExtension for z/OS V5.0 this provides ongoing support for New Era of Networks Rules andFormatter nodes and follow-on capability to WebSphere MQ Integrator.

      Extended platform support

      Customer integration options are further enhanced through the addition of Event Broker support forz/OS.

      WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker features summary

      • High performance event distribution
      • Content and topic-based subscriptions
      • Transformation, routing, and enrichment of messages in-flight
      • A distributed architecture that includes a configuration manager, one or more distributed brokers,and one or more Message Broker Toolkit for WebSphere Business Integration workstations (formerlycontrol centers)
      • Support for pervasive devices
      • Database integration for message logging, merge, and update
      • End-to-end transactional integrity between applications

      Transaction processing SupportPac™

      Each SupportPac supplies a particular function or service that can be used with one or more of theWebSphere MQ products.

      New SupportPacs are now available

      Visit the Transaction Processing SupportPacs library:

      Accessibility by people with disabilities

      WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS v5.0andWebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS v5.0

      These products meet the requirements for keyboard access, object information, sounds, display,timing, documentation and accessibility testing.

      The Message Flow Editor overview and palette are not accessible, they do not allow keyboard accessto all functions. This is due to the underlying Flow Composition Builder (FCB) Eclipse component,which does not provide keyboard support.

      WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0

      The Rules and Formatter Extension does not fully comply with the requirements for keyboard access,object information, sounds, display, timing, documentation and Accessibility testing.

      Value unit based pricing

      Value Unit based pricing will help to align the prices of these products to the principle of thePSLC pricing curve which provides for a lower price per MSU (millions of service units per hour) forlarger capacities.

      There is also a price benefit when you grow your capacity. Additional capacity will be based on thenumber of Value Units (MSUs) you have already installed, for example, additional capacity will notbe priced starting at the base with a higher price per unit, but on the capacity that is alreadyinstalled.

      Note that Value Units of a given product cannot be exchanged/interchanged/aggregated with ValueUnits of another product.

      Entry option for z800 and z900 servers


      WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0, WebSphere Business Integration EventBroker for z/OS V5.0, and WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and FormatterExtension for z/OS V5.0 are eligible for the Entry Option for z800 and z900 servers pricing. TheAddendum for zSeries® WebSphere Platform Products Entry Option (Z125-6851) must be signed. Formore information, refer to Software Announcement203-093, dated April 8, 2003.

      IBM International Program License Agreement (IPLA) and subscription and supportconsiderations

      IPLA licenses can be transferred from one machine to another within, but not limited to, anenterprise. The customer may aggregate the capacity for all the processors the product is operatedon to achieve a more economic price. This will result in a single Proof of Entitlement. It is thecustomer's responsibility to manage the distribution of Value Units within the limits of theentitlement of the product license.

      Subscription and Support must cover the same capacity as the product license entitlement.Subscription and Support will be available in the country in which the agreement is made.
      Back to top
      Product positioning

      New versions of the brokers demonstrate IBM's continued commitment to integration networks andbroker technology. Business Integration brokers are now taken to the next level by revolutionizingthe tools interface, providing better quality of service through more transports, and moreflexibility of deployment options through combinations of multicast and unicast. The brokersprovide flexible entry points into integration, leveraging investments in WebSphere BusinessIntegration brokers messaging.

      Start with WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0 for a real-time event driveninfrastructure. When more capability is required, the investment in WebSphere Business IntegrationEvent Broker for z/OS V5.0 is preserved in the WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker forz/OS V5.0 and WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension forz/OS V5.0 that adds any-to-any transformation and database integration. Both brokers can provideclear ROI by reducing the number of interconnections, simplifying the endpoint requirements, and bycentralizing information manipulation and routing in the network.

      An enterprise integration bus, built with WebSphere Business Integration brokers, is the foundationfor process-based integration provided by WebSphere Business Integration Server.

      For those enterprises that have distributed IT resources (dispersed geographically or betweendifferent departments), many brokers can be distributed around a network to create a scalable,robust, and efficient infrastructure for e-business on demand.

      IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters work with WebSphere Business Integration brokers toenable easy connection to popular packaged applications. They share management and controlfunctions, and message formats with the brokers. WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker isincluded as part of the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Server, which also provides processmanagement and workflow.
      Back to top
      Reference information

      For further information on other WebSphere Business Integration brokers products refer to:

      • Software Announcement203-136, dated May 20, 2003

      For further information on previous WebSphere MQ Integrator Products refer to:

      • Software Announcement202-124, dated June 4, 2002
      • Software Announcement201-318, dated November 6, 2001
      • Software Announcement201-140, dated May 8, 2001

      For information on Business Application Adapters and Connectors, refer to:

      • Software Announcement202-067, dated April 2, 2002
      • Software Announcement201-141, dated May 8, 2001
      • Software Announcement201-034, dated February 13, 2001


      Education support

      The appropriate curriculum will be updated, as necessary, to include the enhancements described inthis announcement.

      Details of the education support will be provided by planned availability through a separateeducation announcement.

      Descriptions of all classroom and self-study courses are available.

      For WebSphere® MQ courses, access:
      Call IBM Learning Services in the U.S. at 800-IBM-TEACH (426-8322) foreducation catalogs, schedules, and enrollments.
      Back to top
      Offering Information

      Product information will be available on day of announcement through the Offering Information toolat:

      and through the Passport Advantage® Web site at:

      Back to top

      Inksaver V4 0 205 0003 Registered Portable Generator

      The Publication Notification System (PNS) is available by ordernumber/product number. Customers currently subscribing to PNS willautomatically receive notifications by e-mail. Customers who wish tosubscribe, can visit the PNS Web site location at:

      The IBM Publications Center Portal:

      The Publications Center is a worldwide central repository for IBM productpublications and marketing material with a catalog of 70,000 items.Extensive search facilities are provided, as well as payment options viacredit card. Furthermore, a large number of publications are availableonline in various file formats, which can currently be downloaded free ofcharge.

      Note that PNS subscribers most often order their publications via thePublication Center.

      No publications are shipped with these products.

      All documentation for the WebSphere Business Integration brokers familyof products is now part of the integrated help system. You can launchthe help system from the Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio.

      Some of the advantages over publications are:

        Technical information

        Specified operating environment

        Hardware requirements

        Any vendor hardware explicitly compatible and fully capable of running the specified operatingsystem, the corresponding supporting software, and associated applications unmodified.Responsibility to provide statement of full compatibility between machines lies with the originalequipment provider.

        Server Requirements: Any server capable of running one of the listed z/OS® releases.

        Message Broker Toolkit for WebSphere Studio requirements: Any Intel® Pentium® III (or above) processor-based IBM PC or compatible, with 700+ MHzprocessor speed and a minimum of 512 M RAM

        Software requirements

        WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0 (5655-K60),WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0 (5655-K57),WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0(5697-I11), Message Broker, User Name Server

          Coordinated Transactional Support is available with this database.
      Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
      • Microsoft™ Windows® 2000 Professional Server and Advanced Server(with SP3)
      • Microsoft Windows XP Professional (with SP1®)

      Configuration manager

      • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Server and Advanced Server (with SP3)
      • Microsoft Windows XP Professional (with SP1)
      • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2 (5675-DB2)(with Fixpac 9)


      • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8.1 (withFixpac 2) (5625-DB2)

      Refer to the WebSphere Business Integration page for the latestinformation:

      Search for product numbers 5655-K60, 5655-K57, and 5697-I11.

      Performance considerations

      • WebSphere Business Integration Brokers for z/OS V5.0 introducessignificant performance improvements through Exploitation of XPLinktechnology. XPLink is a new linkage technology designed to bringperformance benefits to subsystems like WebSphere Business IntegrationMessage Broker and Event Broker. Moreover, the whole software stack nowmakes use of XPLink technology. This stack includes the followingproducts:
        • Message broker
        • Configuration manager
        • User Name Server
        • Database manager
        • Message Broker Toolkit for WebSphere Studio

        Each component may be installed on only a single machine, at any one time, under the terms andconditions of the WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0, WebSphere BusinessIntegration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0, and WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rulesand Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0 license, except for the Message Broker Toolkit for WebSphereStudio, which may be installed on multiple machines provided they are all used in conjunction withthe same message broker machine.

        The message broker component determines how Value Unit requirements are calculated. Calculationsmust be made using the appropriate type of processor for the operating system in use.

        Unit testing: The program license authorizes a single developer to install each component of the program on asingle Microsoft Windows machine for purposes of 'unit testing', which is limited to testing ofcode written or generated by such developer to confirm that such code functions as designed. Referto the licence terms and conditions.

        New era of networks — Rules and formatter: The WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OSV5.0 includes certain 'Rules and Formatter' material supplied under license by Sybase, Inc. ('R+FCode').

        The following applies in respect of the R+F Code: You may not assign or transfer any R+F Code toany other end user; Sybase, Inc.disclaims all warranties with respect to the use of the R+F Code included in the program, includingwithout limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; and the aggregate liability of Sybase, Inc. to you for all claims relating to the R+F Code shallnot exceed the amount paid by you for the program.

        Customer responsibilities: You must provide at least the minimum hardware and software environments in which the licensedprograms operate.

        Customers must identify the machine on which they will install WebSphere Business IntegrationMessage Broker for z/OS V5.0, WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0, andWebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0, thenidentify the MSU tier in which they fit. They then calculate the number of Value Units for therequired Use Authorization.

        Before operating the system, the customer must confirm that they have sufficient Use Authorizationto use the system.

        The customer must purchase the appropriate number of Value Units before using the system.

        Problem determination (PD) is a customer responsibility. PD is an assessment of whether a problemis caused by hardware or software. PD is complete only when the cause of the problem is identified.This assessment includes examination of available symptoms using the PD procedures documented in theproduct.

        Problem source identification (PSI) is a customer responsibility. PSI begins when software isdetermined to be the source of the problem. PSI includes tracing the source of the program to ahost system control program (SCP), an application program, or another source. Assisting thecustomer with PSI is an IBM service and support responsibility.

        Packaging: The WebSphere Business Integration Brokers for z/OS V5.0 package consists of 3480 TapeCartridges, Program Directories, CD-ROMs, licence information, and Proof of Entitlement.

        The WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0 program package contains:

        • 3480 Cartridges (Event Broker + Distribution Hub)
        • Licence Information (GC34-6312)
        • Event Broker Program Directory (GI10-2567)
        • WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5.0 for XP/2000 CD-ROM (LCD4-5299)
        • WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5.0 DB2 V8.1 for Windows NT (English and EuropeanLanguages) CD-ROMs (LCD4-5300)
        • WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5.0 DB2 V8.1 for Windows NT (English and Asia PacificLanguages) CD-ROMs (LCD4-5301)
        • WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5.0 Supplemental CD-ROM (LCD4-5302)
        • WebSphere MQ V5.3 Server CD-ROM (LCD4-5303)
        • WebSphere MQ V5.3 Clients CD-ROMs (LCD4-5295 and LCD4-5296)
        • WebSphere MQ PDF and Info. Center (SK3T-6942)
        • WebSphere MQ HTML (SK3T-6943)
        • IBM International Program License Agreement (Z125-3301)
        • Proof of Entitlement

        The WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0program package contains:

          Ordering information

          New licensees: On May 20, 2003, the CFSW configurator standalone path for 5655-K57, 5655-K60, and5697-I11 will be updated to support V5.0. Media is only shipped via Customized Offerings (ServerPac, Systempac®, and CBPDO) for 5655-K57, 5655-K60, and 5697-I11. CFSW configuration andorder entry capability will commence with CBPDO on June 24, 2003.

          It is the use of the Message Broker component that determines which WebSphere Business IntegrationMessage Broker for z/OS V5.0, WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0, orWebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0platform is required. Users of WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0,WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0 or WebSphere Business Integration MessageBroker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0 may only run the broker on the zSeriesplatform.

          Charge units for WebSphere Business Integration Brokers for z/OS V5.0: The charge units used for WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0,WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0, and WebSphere Business IntegrationMessage Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0 are based on Value Units, dependingon the Measured System Usage (MSU) level of the server on which the Message Broker is installed.MSU tiers are applied and the cumulative Value Unit/MSU rate determines the charge.

          For information on value units, refer to the section below.

          Value unit transferability

          Value Units purchased as a result of this announcement are intended to be used on z/OS only.Processor Licence Units (PLUs) purchased to use WebSphere Business Integration brokers on otherplatforms can be transferred for use on z/OS but only with reference to the IBM Special Bid pricerfor approval.

          Entry option for z800 and z900 servers

          WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0, WebSphere Business Integration EventBroker for z/OS V5.0 and WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker with Rules and FormatterExtension for z/OS V5.0 are eligible for the Entry Option for z800 and z900 servers pricing. TheAddendum for zSeries WebSphere Platform Products Entry Option (Z125-6851) must be signed. For moreinformation refer to Software Announcement203-093, dated April 8, 2003.

          Value unit exhibit VUE007

          The products in this announcement have one charge unit — Value Units.

          Value Units for IBM 9672 Processors will be based upon the full capacity of these systems. This isapplicable to all S/390®-based systems that are measured on MSU capacity. Information on MSUcapacities can be found in theIBM System/370™, System/390®, and zSeries Machine Exhibit, Z125-3901.

          Value Units for zSeries will be based upon full MSU capacity as defined in the Machine Exhibits.

          There will be a tool available that provides support for transforming the MSU-based capacities ofS/390 systems to new Value Units by calculating the applicable number of Value Units for a givennumber of MSUs.

          Translation from MSUs to value units example

          Note: For the actual translation from MSUs to Value Units for this product, refer below.

          Ordering example: The total number of Value Units is calculated according to the following example.

          If the customer has installed 1,000 MSUs, the applicable Value Units would be:

          When calculating the total number of Value Units, the sum is to be rounded up to the next integer.

          Example: For WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS V5.0 running on machines with1,000 MSUs requiring 244 Value Units, order feature number 0001, quantity 244.

          Note: For actual feature numbers, refer to below.

          Value Units for non-MSU-based S/390 Processors:

          Basic license: To order, specify the program number, feature number 9001 for asset registration, and theone-time charge (OTC) feature number. Also specify the feature number of the desired distributionmedium. To suppress shipment of media, select the license-only option in CFSW.

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          Subscription and support

          To receive voice technical support via telephone during normal business hours, and future releasesand versions at no additional charge, Subscription and Support must be ordered. The capacity ofSubscription and Support (Value Units) must be the same as the capacity ordered for the productlicenses.

          To order, specify the support program number and feature number 9001 for asset registration. IBM isalso providing subscription and support for these products via a separately purchased offering underthe terms of the IBM International Agreement for Acquisition of Support (IAAS). This offering:

          • Includes and extends the support services provided in the base support to include technical supportvia telephone during normal business hours.
          • Entitles customers to future releases and versions at no additional charge. Note that the customeris not entitled for new products.

          Once subscription and support is ordered, the charges will renew automatically annually unlesscancelled by the customer.

          Single version charging: To elect single version charging, the customer must notify and identify to IBM the priorprogram and replacement program, and the machine the programs are operating on.

          Customized offerings

          Product media is shipped only via Customized Offerings (for example,CBPDO, ServerPac, SystemPac). Non-customized items (CDs, diskettes, source media, media kits) willcontinue to be shipped via the standalone product.
          Back to top
          Terms and conditions

          Agreement: IBM International Program License Agreement (IPLA). Proofs of Entitlement (PoE) are requiredfor all authorized use.

          These products are licensed under the IPLA, and the associated Agreement for Acquisition of Support,and the Addendum for Support Z125-6435 which provides for support with ongoing access to releasesand versions of the program. These programs have a one-time license charge for use of the programand an ongoing recurring charge for the enhanced support that includes telephone assistance (voicesupport for defects during normal business hours) as well as access to updates, releases, andversions of the program as long as support is in effect. S/390 and zSeries IBM Operational SupportServices — Support Line is an option for those customers who desire added services.

          Limited warranty applies: Yes

          Program services: This program has program services for a minimum of one year from acquisition from IBM orauthorized Business Partner.

          Program support: Enhanced Support, called Subscription and Support, includes telephone assistance (voice supportfor defects during normal business hours) as well as access to updates, releases, and versions ofthe program as long as support is in effect. The customer will be notified of discontinuance ofsupport with 12 months notice.

          Money-back guarantee: If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the program, return it within 30 days from theinvoice date, to the party (either IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired it, for a refund.This applies only to your first acquisition of the program.

          Copy and use on home/portable computer: No

          Volume orders (IVO): No

          Passport Advantage applies: No

          Usage restriction: Yes

          Value units and program charges: The charge units used for this product are based on Value Units, depending on the MSU level ofthe server on which the Message Broker is installed. The number of MSUs per machine type/model ispublished by IBM and can be viewed online at:


          To calculate the number of Value Units, the total MSUs are subdividedinto one or more tiers, for each tier, the value units are calculated bymultiplying the MSU tier value by a adjustment factor and the resultingnumbers are then added together to provide the total Value Units. Referto the example shown in theOrdering informationsection.

          The program includes a client, which must be used on a Intel-based machine. No separate serverauthorizations are required to license any other component part of the media package.

          Value unit transferability: Value Units, purchased as a result of this announcement, are intended to be used on z/OS orOS/390® only. Capacity Units or Processor Licence Units (PLUs), purchased to use versions of thisprogram for use with operating systems other than z/OS, are transferable for use on the z/OSoperating system, but only with the prior written agreement of IBM, which may be granted subject tothe payment of additional license charges.

          Licenses granted under the IPLA can be transferred from one machine to another within (but notlimited to) an enterprise. Sysplex licensed users may aggregate the 'capacity for all theprocessors' on which the program is operated to achieve a more economic price. This will result ina single PoE document. It is the licensed user's responsibility to manage the distribution of ValueUnits so as not to exceed the applicable entitlement limits under the user's current license to usethe program.

          Entry option for z800 and z900 servers

          WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker forz/OS V5.0, WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0, and WebSphere BusinessIntegration Message Broker with Rules and Formatter Extension for z/OS V5.0 are eligible for theEntry Option for z800 and z900 servers pricing. The Addendum for zSeries WebSphere PlatformProducts Entry Option (Z125-6851) must be signed. For more information, refer to SoftwareAnnouncement203-093, dated April 8, 2003.

          Subscription and support: Subscription and Support must be specified using the same quantity of Value Units as theProgram License entitlement. Subscription and Support will be available in the country in which theagreement is made.

          Use of components on separate machines

          WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker forz/OS V5.0 and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker for z/OS V5.0 consists of severalcomponents:
            1. Testing applications on servers separate from the developer's machine
            2. Exchanging messages with any production application or system
            3. Simulating production workloads
            4. Testing scalability of any code, application, or system

            Software maintenance applies: No

            For operating system software, the revised IBM Operational Support Services — Support Lineoffering will provide support for those operating systems and associated products that are notavailable with the newly announced Software Maintenance offering. This will ensure total supportcoverage for your enterprise needs, including IBM and selected non-IBM products. For complete listsof products supported under both the current and revised Support Line offering, refer to our Website at:


            For additional information on the revised IBM Operational SupportServices, refer to Services Announcement601-023, dated July 10, 2001.

            Complimentary products: IBM provides licensed copies of complimentary products in ourproduct boxes. The complimentary products are not upgradeable throughthe originally ordered product. They are only upgradeable separately asindividual products. If a fully licensed product is required, contactIBM or your reseller. In addition, complimentary products do not entitlecustomers to receive service support.

            IBM operational support services — Support line: Yes

            AIX®/UNIX® upgrade protection applies: No

            Entitled upgrade for current AIX/UNIX upgrade protection licensees: No

            iSeries™ software subscription applies: No

            Variable charges apply: Yes

            Educational allowance available: Yes, 15% education allowance applies to qualified educationinstitution customers.

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            The prices provided in this announcement are suggested retail prices forthe U.S. only and are provided for your information only. Dealer pricesmay vary, and prices may also vary by country. Prices are subject tochange without notice. For additional information and current prices,contact your local IBM representative.


            Contact your sales channel for IBM Operational Support Services —Support Line pricing information.

            Today, IBM announces new annual license charges for Subscription andSupport for selected programs. New annual charges will be effective withthe billing period that starts on or after August 1, 2003.

            NC = No Charge
            OTC = One-Time Charge

            Global financing

            IBM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified customers to assist them inacquiring IT solutions. Our offerings include financing for IT acquisition, including hardware,software, and services, both from IBM and other manufacturers or vendors. Offerings (for allcustomer segments: small, medium, and large enterprise), rates, terms, and availability can vary bycountry. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization or visit the Web at:


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            Order now

            To order, contact the Americas Call Centers, your local IBMrepresentative, or your IBM Business Partner.

            To identify your local IBM representative or IBM Business Partner, call800-IBM-4YOU (426-4968).

            The Americas Call Centers, our national direct marketing organization,can add your name to the mailing list for catalogs of IBM products.

            Note: Shipments will begin after the planned availability date.


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