Fullmetal Alchemist The Sacred Star Of Milos English Dub Download

Fullmetal Alchemist The Sacred Star Of Milos English Dub Download

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos English Dub Online at cartooncrazy.tv if Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos English Dubbed is not working, please select a. Fullmetal Alchemist: Sacred Star of Milos (2011) Fullmetal Alchemist Live-Action (2017) OVAs Music Video Games Universe. He was also the voice of Sengoku in the English Dub of One Piece and also worked as a weekday evening announcer for WRR 101 and also appeared in stage plays for children as historical figures as part of a living.


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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos is the second movie in the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise. Unlike the first movie, which acted as an epilogue for the 2003 series, this is a standalone side story.

The story sees Ed and Al head to Table City, a military-occupied city surround by a circular crevasse called 'The Valley', to capture a criminal who escaped prison. En route to the city, the train is attacked simultaneously by werewolves and people in flying suits, all of whom seem to be after a young girl. During the scuffle, Al is knocked into The Valley with the girl.

One thing leads to another and the brothers find themselves caught in-between a civil war between the people of Table City and resistance fighters within the Valley looking to reclaim it. As is always the case, things are not as they appear.


Released in Japan in 2011, and gained an English dub from Funimation in September 2012. It aired on Toonami as part of their December 2014 Month of Movies.


Fullmetal Alchemist The Sacred Star Of Milos English Dub Download Full

The movie has the following tropes

  • Action Girl: Julia is part of the Milos Resistance and her first scene is breaking out of jail.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Atlas, the man posing as Ashleigh, needs the rebels if he wants the Sanguine Star/Philosophers Stone. To this end, he manipulates Julia, the rebellion, and even Ed and Al into getting him where he needs to be in Table City order to create the stone.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Julia loses her left leg in the final battle, but it's nothing an automail replacement can't fix.
  • Art Shift: While taking place in the Brotherhood continuity, the character designs were altered for this film and are closer to their counterparts from the 2003 series.
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  • Anti-Villain: The real Ashleigh Crichton was actually trying to protect Julia, but engaged in morally ambiguous actions to do so, including using his Chimera troops to attack the people of the Valley.
  • The Atoner: It is implied that the Ashleigh will use his influence in Creta to help Milos maintain its independence in order to atone for trying to destroy it and going against his younger sister to do so.
  • Big Bad: Atlas a.k.a. Melvin Voyager, starts the plot by escaping from prison and then manipulating the cast in order to acquire a Philosopher's Stone.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Atlas is an almost literal example in that he is a remorseless villain pretending to be Julia's caring older brother.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Ed, Al and Julia manage to stop Atlas and Ashleigh and save the city, and the people of Milos declare their (short-lived, according to the map in Brotherhood ep. 64, though that could have been an outdated map) independence. Still, this comes at the cost of one of Julia's legs though she doesn't seem to mind. It may also count as a case of Earn Your Happy Ending.
  • Book Safe: The Crichton's journal didn't just have the notes on how to make a Philosopher's Stone in it, it also had a small one hidden in a hollow in the pages. This saves Ashleigh's life when Atlas betrayed them.
  • Break the Cutie: Happens to Julia a lot starting before the main narrative: she is forced away from her home, sees her parents' corpses strung up like meat and her brother murdered, abandoned to a metaphoric trash heap, finds her brother only to discover he's a fake using her and then finds him again only to find out that he's gone Knight Templar, and then she's losses a leg. That's a lot of trauma for a girl to happen, which proves her to be a Plucky Girl.
  • Cain and Abel: Julia and the real Ashleigh become this temporarily near the end of movie when they come to blows over how best to remember and honor their parents.
  • The Cameo: Major Armstrong only appears in one scene, to pass on a message to Mustang which causes him, Riza and Hawkeye to travel to Table City themselves. Their own role in the story is also pretty much peripheral.
  • Canon Foreigner: Julia, Ashleigh, and Atlas. As well as most of the minor characters. Lampshaded in a meta sense by the setting itself, with each of these characters either coming from or having been stationed there.
  • Cast as a Mask: Used and averted with different characters. Atlas' much deeper voice is a clue about his real identity, and the contrast is obvious since the opening scenes are so close together. Ashleigh plays it straight since he wears a more traditional mask.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The earrings that Ashleigh created as a child are a significant in the sibling bond because he gave them to Julia and she gave one back. The real Ashleigh, Herschel, has one.
  • Chekhov's Volcano: Some Milosian automail patients explain that Creta is building a geothermal power plant into the Cretan-side valley wall. Later, Herschel (the real Asleigh) deliberately sets off an explosion within the plant that releases torrents of lava into the valley.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Before the film is over, Atlas literally betrays every single character he's come across as part of his Evil Plan.
  • Convection Schmonvection: Though Al is shown to have lots of ashy burns on his body, the entirety of the final sequence is still an absolutely massive offender. Characters come within inches of all sorts of lava and fire and steam and explosions and nothing worse happens.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: Atlas impersonates Ashleigh to get close to Julia and find the sacred stone. It's subverted as the person he thought he killed was Not Quite Dead.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Raul/Alan is so loyal to Atlas that he never considers the possibility that Atlas will kill him once the Star's within their reach.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Atlas eventually killed by the real Ashleigh to which the final boss role goes to him.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: Atlas really starts losing it when things start going his way.
  • Evil All Along: Atlas presented as good person in his disguise and stolen identity but is shown to be this during The Reveal. He's been a lying and scheming schumbag ever since Julia was a child.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Patrick Seitz and Matthew Mercer must've been having a lot of fun at the recording studio.
  • Enemy Mine: The Elrics, Julia, the Black Bats, and Ashleigh are all forced to work together to stop one of the Chimaeras that enters the Milosian base.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Atlas/Melvin maintains a suave, cheerful demeanor throughout most of the movie, even when he's grinding up his former allies to make the Sanguine Star.
  • Final Boss: The real Ashleigh effortlessly kills Atlas, the villain up until this point, and then takes over his role as villain.
  • Foreshadowing / Call-Forward: Table City's purpose as a citywide human transmutation circle foreshadows the Elrics' discovery that their homeland of Amestris is essentially a nationwide transmutation circle.
    • During the fight with the chimera in the tunnel, Ashleigh covertly glances at Milosian freedom fighter Alan. It looks like he's signaling him to provide a distraction. It's really an early sign that the two already know each other and are working together.
  • Freudian Excuse: The real Ashleigh wished to wipeout the Valley and conquer Table City because he wanted revenge for his and Julia's parent's forced exile, which led to their murder and his gruesome disfigurement.
  • Gender-Blender Name: 'Ashleigh' is the way is spelled which doesn't look especially feminine but it causes confusion when the more common spelling of 'Ashley' is used.
  • Giving Them the Strip: After Ed and Al's hands are pinned to prevent them from using alchemy by the treacherous Major running Table City, Al gets free by detaching his gauntlets from the rest of his body and performing alchemy using his vambraces.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After his face is restored, the real Ashleigh appears to realize his mistakes and re-assumes his fake identity, to help his sister and their people in the hardships to come from behind the scenes.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: The real Ashleigh became dangerously close to turning out as bad as Atlas in order to achieve his revenge, nearly destroying a country to do it.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Julia does this in order to save her brother by opening the Gate and losing a leg in the process.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: the real Ashleigh tells Julia something like this when he explains why he didn't reveal himself to her before.
  • Interquel: The film is set partway through Brotherhood. Fan consensus places the story's events between episodes 20 and 21. Although apart from Al using array-less alchemy, it can also fit in the 2003 series' continuity.
  • Kill 'Em All: The real Ashleigh intends to do this to the Milosians as revenge for how their family was treated.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Ashleigh's wolf chimeras were to protect Julia and to watch over her. That didn't go very well because it was violent.
  • Lovable Rogue: Melvin Voyager, the escaped criminal but also a suave man and a loving brother. Someone like Ed is hard pressed to call him 'evil'.It's a complete facade, of course. He is not in the least lovable.
  • Made of Iron: Atlas. Toward the end, dude flays himself, gets stabbed, electrocuted two or three times, buried under who knows how much rubble but still won't die... until his head a'splode, o' course.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Herschel, though it's complicated because he's actually Julia's brother, the real Ashleigh, and looking out for her welfare but he is also a villain who wants to bury Milos in lava.
  • Meaningful Name: The root word sanguis is Latin for 'blood'. Guess what the Sanguine Star is created from.
  • Memento MacGuffin: The earrings owned by Julia and Ashleigh.
  • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: Averted. After Ed and Julia destroy a key component in the circle used to make Sanguine Stars, Ashleigh mentions that it doesn't matter: he'd memorized the diagram and could build a new one.
  • Not So Different: Like Ed, Julia loses one of her limbs trying to save her sibling.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: At the climax, Roy Mustang defeats two wolf Chimeras on his own. This is happening while all the action is focused on Julia and Al stopping the lava flow and Ed fighting Ashleigh to the point where a viewer might wonder what he's doing and why he isn't contributing to the events on screen until he's finally shown standing next to two charred Chimera corpses.
  • Play-Along Prisoner:
    • Al gets taken prisoner by the Black Bats. When they come under attack, he snaps his bonds and breaks out of his cell in under a minute to help out.
    • Melvin could have used alchemy to break himself out of prison at any point in his five-year sentence, but stayed in prison until he saw an article in the paper saying that his sister had been arrested in a round-up of Milosian rebels in Table City because the prison was a safe place for him to wait until Julia was full grown and able to be useful as a puppet in his plot to gain the Star, and her being arrested meant she might not be available for him to use if he didn't act quickly.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Julia's eyes turn red after she eats the Star.
  • The Reveal: Colonel Herschel, the man in mask, is the real Ashleigh. The man we were led to believe all movie was Ashleigh, was in fact a man by the name of Atlas, once the bodyguard for Julia's family who betrayed them all in order to obtain the Star aka Philosophers Stone.
  • Save the Villain: Despite nearly destroying Milos, Julia can't bear to kill her brother and goes on to both save him and restore his face.
  • Shipper on Deck: Al seems to have a crush on Julia. Ed responds by leaving them alone together, complete with an out of nowhere 'go get 'em tiger' buttslap.
  • Supporting Protagonist: Ed and Al serve in this position for the film. While still the main characters, the movie makes it clear from the beginning that this is Julia's story - we're just seeing it through the brothers' eyes.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: The officer in charge of Table City looks remarkably similar to Yoki.
  • Tear Off Your Face: What Atlas did to Ashleigh and grafted it onto his own face.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Julia and the rebels get called out several times by Ed and Al for knowing and accepting the cost of creating a Sanguine Star. However, once Julia obtains the Star, she uses it to save the Valley and Ashleigh's life.
  • You Monster!: Julia calls Atlas this just before she attempts to attack him. Later, in a less literal example, Ed calls Ashleigh out for the hateful man he's become to the point of disbelieving that a guy like him could honestly be Julia's brother because of it.
  • Your Head A-Splode: Atlas's fate, courtesy of Ashleigh, is far more gruesome and thorough than what Atlas did to Ashleigh earlier.
  • You Killed My Father: Try entire immediate family. Atlas killed Julia's parents and tried to Kill and Replace her brother. When she discovered the truth, she was outraged.

Fullmetal Alchemist The Sacred Star Of Milos English Dub Download Free


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