Download Motorola Dch3200 Hack


Download Motorola Dch3200 Hackensack

I have a new Sony DVD/VCR recorder/player, I am unable to control the cable box DCH3200 to do timed recording, all the code numbers from Sony for a Motorola set top box do not work. Motorola cable box showing 'dU1', 'dUl' or 'dVI'. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

Motorola Hack Codes


Download Motorola Dch3200 Hack

I took out the trash today and by the dumpster was a Motorola DCH3200 set-top box for use with Comcast cablevision. Since it's all solid-state, I'm pretty sure it works. There's no remote or wall plug cord but I think I've something lying around to remedy the latter. Although I'm very busy at the mo, I'm thinking about hooking it up. What do you think?
PS - Last I looked, Comcast is one of the top 15 worst companies in the USA with horrible service and shoddy marketing practices. They took away half of our basic cable channels then had the nerve to send a rep over to try to sign us up for a premium package. They truely blow.